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European Parliament - Liaison Office in Austria

Vienna Mutfluencer Project: An Example of European Solidarity Awarded the Citizens' Prize
In a time of global challenges, the Viennese social project "Mutfluencer*innen" has received significant recognition for its commitment by being awarded the European Citizen's Prize 2023. The initiative, which was launched in the summer of 2021, aims to empower young people - especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds - to face the challenges of crises, isolation, and fears for the future.
November 7, 2023

Challenges of the OSCE in Montenegro's Presidential Election
The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) opened an election observation mission for the March 19 presidential elections in Montenegro. The OSCE mission taking place in the former Yugoslav republic of Montenegro faces a country that had problems with the legality of elections and the circumstances in which they are conducted, now in the shadow of the Ukraine war and after a turbulent past few months of political conflict between the ruling parties in the country.
March 9, 2023

Schools in Austria on the Path to Become European Parliament Ambassador Schools
With a full-day kick-off event with European Parliament members Hannes Heide and Thomas Waitz at the House of the European Union in Vienna, teachers from 20 schools, started the Ambassador Schools Program of the European Parliament for the school year 2022/23.
September 26, 2022