Austrian Federal Competition Authority Approves Verbund´s Deal in Turkey

The Austrian energy group Verbund sells its stake in the Turkish joint venture Enerjisa to German E.ON. In return, Verbund gets E.ON´s hydro power plans in Bavaria.

January 11, 2013

Verbund Sells Enerjisa to E.ON

Verbund, Austria’s leading utility, and E.ON, one of the world’s largest energy providers, have reached an agreement on an asset swap.

December 3, 2012

Verbund Does Not Exclude Sale of Enerjisa

The Austrian energy company Verbund is said to withdraw from Turkey. However, further investments would be conceivable too, Verbund says.

October 12, 2012

Verbund in Turkey: Further Investments Instead of Withdrawal

In August, Verbund was said to sell its stake in Enerjisa to German eon. Now, Verbund may enlarge its investments in Turkey further.

September 19, 2012

OMV Gas Project is Delayed

Austria's OMV is involved in a joint venture for a liquid gas project in Croatia. Delays are expected.

December 23, 2010

EVN's Subsidiary RAG Increased Gas Capacities

New capacities are created, gas and oil exploration in Poland and Hungary to be intensified

October 17, 2010
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