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DZ Bank

Raiffeisen Bank International: Sale of Hungarian Affiliate No Taboo Anymore

As reported by Vindobona, Vienna-listed RBI is examining offers for the Hungarian subsidiary. For RBI, Hungary is the biggest loss-maker.
November 20, 2013

Austrian Banks to Stay in Hungary

In the coming years, foreign banks will face a difficult market environment in Hungary. Nevertheless, Austrian banks want to maintain their position.
March 14, 2013

Austria: RZB About to Take Over Assets of VBAG?

The possible takeover by RZB is still kept in the dark. RBI, however, might absorb Citibank Romania.
March 8, 2013

ÖVAG: Sales Process of East-holding is Under Way

For the coming year, the Austrian Voksbanken are planning to restructure the Group. A buyer is currently being sought for the East-holding.
December 30, 2010

Volksbanken: State Aid to be Repaid

The Austrian Volksbanken (ÖVAG) will reportedly pay back more than the agreed € 300m of state aid in 2010.
December 8, 2010

Volksbank: Greater Efficiency by Downsizing

The Austrian Volksbank AG (ÖVAG) has not been able to reach a cooperation with other domestic banks. The deal with the BAWAG failed. Now, the Volksbank is looking for alternatives.
October 30, 2010