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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Austrian Companies Remain Strong in Russia

Many Austrian companies are active in Eastern Europe, especially in the Balkans, Ukraine and Russia. Especially in Russia, the activity of Austrian companies has been very successful but is controversial due to the Russian attack on Ukraine. According to research by the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE), almost a year after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, two-thirds of the previously present companies from Austria are still active in Russia.

Fracking Is Causing Tensions in the Austrian Parliament
Fracking has caused tensions in the Austrian parliament. Climate protection Minister Leonore Gewessler from the Green Party tried to pass a law banning Fracking in Austria. However, the party’s coalition partner in the government, the Austrian People's Party (OEVP) declined the law.
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IAEA Observers Will Remain Permanently in Chernobyl
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will establish a permanent observing mission in Tschernobyl. This is to prevent accidents from happening at nuclear reactors.