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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Meeting of UN Officials in Vienna: What Is the Chief Executives Board of Coordination

The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres and the senior management of UN agencies are currently meeting in Vienna. The main reason for the meeting is the Chief Executives Board of Coordination, the highest coordination body of the United Nations. Read more about this important event.

War in Ukraine Continues to Dominate Austria's Economic Outlook
In a recently published report, the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) gives an insight into Austria's economic situation and forecasts the development of the economy over the next few years. The Omikron wave and the war in Ukraine will continue to slow down Austria's economic growth in the next few years and no relief is expected for the time being. Nevertheless, there is also good news concerning the labour market.

Austrian Finance Minister Elected Chairman of the Board of Governors of EBRD

With Magnus Brunner, the EBRD is getting an Austrian as the new Chairman of the Board of Governors. Austria's Finance Minister succeeds the Portuguese Finance Minister and will hold the office for one year. Brunner takes over this position at an enormously important time, as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is playing a central role in the reconstruction of Ukraine with its financial resources.