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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Austria's Muslim Community Celebrates End of Ramadan

Every year, the Muslim community of Vienna and worldwide celebrates the holy End of Ramadan. Ramadan has ended and now Eid al-Fitr is celebrated.

Russia Hides Its Operations in Ukraine From the OSCE
The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine will be suspended, due to the lack of consensus at the OSCE Permanent Council on 31 March 2022 to extend the Mission’s mandate. In the Russian Federation’s ongoing aggression against Ukraine, Russia torpedoed the OSCE and wants as little international attention as possible on its military operations in Ukraine.

Russian Gas Supplies: Wien Energie Invests One Billion Euros in Gas Exit
Austria's largest energy company, Wien Energie, is taking a big step towards independence from Russian gas supplies. The company is investing a sum of one billion euros in the expansion of renewable energies and thus wants to end the purchase of fossil fuels step by step in the next 5 years.