Visit the United Nations Family in Vienna and Get to Know Its Members

OrganizationsInternational Organizations ♦ Published: January 18, 2019; 21:08 ♦ (Vindobona)

Are you a committed citizen and want to learn how the United Nations works? Would you like to find out more about how the UN made its home in Vienna, one of the four global UN headquarters?

Are you curious about what the United Nations are doing to make a better world? Visit the UN while in Vienna! / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Herbert Ortner, Vienna, Austria [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (]

Get a glimpse of how more than 190 nations work together to promote peace, sustainable development and human rights across the globe. Visit the Vienna International Centre (VIC), also known as 'UNO City', for a unique opportunity to experience the United Nations.

You have 2 Options:

1) Individual Visitors

Individual visitors and small groups…