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Vienna Insurance Group in the 1st quarter of 2017: Improvement in all key performance indicators
Press Wire ♦
Published: May 23, 2017; 07:59 ♦ (Vindobona)

Following the favourable results achieved in the financial year 2016, Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) can now also report very positive figures for the 1st quarter of 2017. "All our key performance indicators are showing a clear improvement compared to the 1st quarter of the previous year and are thus fully in line with our plans. The good economic outlook for both Austria and our Central and Eastern European markets makes us highly confident that we are on course for continued success in 2017," stated Elisabeth Stadler, Chairwoman of the Managing Board of Vienna Insurance Group, summarising the initial positive interim results for the year.

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Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
Wien -
* * Premiums rise to EUR 2.72 billion * Combined Ratio improved to 96.9 percent
* Profit (before taxes) increased to around EUR 110 million * Solvency II
ratio grew to…
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