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Update of Austria's Probe of UN Golan Troops Over Deaths of Syrians
According to media reports, the video, which shows the fatal incident in September 2012 on the Golan Heights, when Austrian blue helmet soldiers sent 9 Syrian security forces into a deadly ambush, was used as a "training film". In parallel with these reports, the former Defence Minister points out that the start of the Syrian Civil War has removed the basis of the UN mandate, which should focus exclusively on monitoring the ceasefire between Syria and Israel.
UN peacekeepers monitor the Golan Heights at Mount Bental (جبل بنطل , جبل الغرام / הר בנטל) a dormant volcano (1,171 Meters) in the North-Eastern part of the Golan Heights / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Benjamín Núñez González [CC BY-SA 4.0]
Did the Austrian Armed Forces use the video as a training film?
According to a report in the "Kleine Zeitung", the video was used for educational purposes. However, the Ministry of Defence rejects this report. A spokesman for the Ministry of Defense explained that this was "not an official" training video. Further surveys would be carried out by the appointed…
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