Unicredit Bank Austria Preliminary Results: Net Profit of About EUR 1.3 Billion for 2015

BusinessEarnings ♦ Published: February 10, 2016; 11:15 ♦ (Vindobona)

Unicredit Bank Austria has published its preliminary results for the 2015 financial year. Unicredit's Austrian subsidiary posts a net profit of about EUR 1.3 billion for 2015. Systemic charges including bank levies are up by EUR 89 million to EUR 326 million.

Bank Austria’s outgoing CEO Willibald Cernko / Picture: © UniCredit Bank Austria

Sound operating performance from customer business despite historically low market interest rates and persistently weak economic growth

- Lending volume up by 2.3 per cent to EUR 116.4 billion, with growth of 4.1 per cent in Austria while lending volume in CEE rose only slightly on account of negative exchange rate effects compared with the previous year