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Tyrol: The Scare of the South African COVID-19 Mutation
Actually there is a strong occurrence of the threatening South African COVID-19 mutation in Tyrol. Strict controls on tests when leaving Tyrol and administrative fines of up to 1,450 euros are intended to limit the spread of this corona mutation after the new "COVID-19 virus variant regulation" comes into force on February 12, 2021.
The new regulation also affects people who want to cross the state border from Tyrol to Germany or Italy. / Picture: © Vindobona.org (Graphic)
The new regulation (COVID-19-Virusvariantenverordnung), in addition to previous measures, will lay out a tight and decisive safety net against a large spread of the South African mutation.
With the regulation coming into force on Friday it concerns preventive measures restricted to 10 days, in order to limit the spread of this Corona mutation.
Health Minister Rudi…
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