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Temporary Surplus in Serbia´s Budget
Politics ♦
Published: September 8, 2012; 14:33 ♦ (Vindobona)
Due to the VAT intake, Serbia faced a budget surplus in July. In June, Serbia recorded a massive deficit.
Temporary Surplus in Serbia´s Budget / Picture: © Vindobona.org
Massive June’s budget deficit (%RSD 20.03 bn) was followed by July’s surplus (RSD 4.98 bn or +RSD 25.0 bn mom) supported by revenues skyrocketing (+RSD 21.25 bn mom), while expenditures fall (%RSD 3.75 bn mom). The surplus was backed by VAT (+RSD 10.09 bn mom) usually high at this
time of the year, as taxpayers are settling due quarter payments and excises (+RSD 11.50 bn…
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