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SPÖ's Absolute Supremacy Wobbles in Vienna, According to Surveys
Politics ♦
Published: October 4, 2010; 14:42 ♦ (Vindobona)
The SPÖ is threatened with the loss of the absolute majority in the Vienna-election on next Sunday, the FPÖ is likely to surpass 20%. Greens and ÖVP might register losses and the BZÖ might miss its entry into the municipal council.
SPÖ's Absolute Supremacy Wobbles in Vienna, According to Surveys / Picture: © SPÖ
Such is the summary of the results of several polls from recent days.
The results of the last election in 2005 were: 49.1% for the SPÖ, 18.8% for the ÖVP, 14.6% for the Greens, 14.8% for the FPÖ, 1.47% for the KPÖ and 1.15% for the BZÖ.
The best estimates for the SPÖ are shown by an IMAS poll in the "Krone", which sees the ruling reds at between 47% and 49%,…
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