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RHI AG / Transaction of the acquisition of magnesite mining rights and existing production facilities in Turkey abandoned
Press Wire ♦
Published: September 30, 2014; 08:06 ♦ (Vindobona)

The contract signed between Magnesit Anonim Sirketi, a Turkish subsidiary of RHI AG, and the Turkish Cihan Group for the acquisition of a raw material plant and mining rights in Erzurum, Turkey, provided for different contractual conditions for the final fulfillment of the transaction (closing). Although the deadline was repeatedly extended, several of these contractually defined conditions were not met. Consequently, the transaction was not closed at the expiry of the long stop date on September 30, 2014.

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Mergers - Acquisitions - Takeovers
The contract signed between Magnesit Anonim Sirketi, a Turkish subsidiary of RHI
AG, and the Turkish Cihan Group on April 7, 2014 for the acquisition of a…
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