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RBI Will Take Its Time With the Repayment of Participation Capital
Politics ♦
Published: June 27, 2013; 12:22 ♦ (Vindobona)
It is not yet clear when RBI will pay back state participation capital in the amount of € 1.75bn.
RBI Will Take Its Time With the Repayment of Participation Capital / Picture: © Raiffeisen Bank International AG / Press Photo
Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) does not model itself on Erste Group in regard to the repaying of state participation capital in the amount of € 1.75bn. Erste Group announced to pay back the entire public and private participation capital in the amount of € 1.76bn in the third quarter. CEO of RBI Karl Sevelda did not want to determinate if the capital was paid back in traches or…
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