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Raiffeisen Participates in Bid for Polbank
Raiffeisen International Bank (RBI) tries to get into the act concerning the sale of Polbank. The eighth largest bank in Poland is currently owned by EFG Euro Bank, which is offering its Polish interest for sale.
Raiffeisen Participates in Bid for Polbank / Picture: © Raiffeisen Bank International AG / S. Klimpt
Two weeks ago, the CEO of RBI, Herbert Stepic hinted: "It is no secret that we are looking around in Poland. The market is much too interesting to pass to conduct only a niche policy." Polbank would also be interesting for Raiffeisen because 335 branches would be acquired immediately. Currently, Raiffeisen has 125 branches in Poland.
The sales process of the 44.1% stake in the…
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