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Poland: NBP Cuts Interest Rate to Record Low
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Published: March 6, 2013; 18:19 ♦ (Vindobona)
The council of fiscal policy has cut interests rate down to 3.25 % which is the lowest since Poland’s democratic turnaround in 1989.
Poland: NBP Cuts Interest Rate to Record Low / Picture: © Flickr / NBP National Bank of Poland
The cut of 0.5 % was the fifth in a row. In October last year, the interest rate was at 4.75 %.Experts had estimated a weaker correction after NBP head Marek Belka’s rather undecicive statement in February but assume the decreasing inflation rate has caused to take this measure.
In January, the rate of price increases was at 1.7 % which was only 0.2 % above NBP’s targeted…
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