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Poland: More than Half of Borrowing Needs Covered
Politics ♦
Published: January 24, 2014; 20:53 ♦ (Vindobona)
In CESEE, governments are in a hurry. The Polish government announced that about 50% of the borrowing needs could be covered in the first three weeks of 2014.
Poland: More than Half of Borrowing Needs Covered / Picture: © Vindobona.org
According to Poland´s Deputy Finance Minister Wojcech Kowalczyk, the Polish government has sold papers amounting to € 4.5bn. This week, the biggest auction in Poland´s history took place. Kowalczyk announced that the government could sell the papers close to market prices.
The biggest CESEE economy wants to raise cash before the U.S. FED begins to reduce its asset buying…
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