Naturalizations in Austria in 2018 on the Rise

BusinessMore Business & Economics+ ♦ Published: November 15, 2018; 11:29 ♦ (Vindobona)

Austrian citizenship was granted to a total of 6,971 persons in the first three quarters of 2018. The Bosnians are ahead, followed by Turks, Serbs and Kosovars. In total, there were 115 more naturalisations than in the same period of the previous year (+1.7%).

Before naturalisation, around one third of the new Austrians were citizens of one of the following four countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina (761), Turkey (588), Serbia (478) and Kosovo (429). / Picture: © BMI Bundesministerium für Inneres / Alexander Tuma

In the first nine months of 2018, according to Statistics Austria, Austrian citizenship was granted to a total of 6,971 persons, including 37 persons resident abroad.

The trend of rising naturalisation figures observed since 2011 thus continued for the time being.

With 2,447 persons, more than one third of naturalised persons were born in Austria (35.1%).
