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Mongolia in Its Perception in Austria
A conference lasting several days entitled "Mongolia in its Perception in Austria - Die Mongolei in ihrer Wahrnehmung in Österreich" will present Mongolia from a scientific, political and cultural perspective. Culinary delights from Mongolia will not be neglected.
Mongolia: The map shows the boundary of the 13th-century Mongol Empire compared to today's Mongols. The red area shows where the majority of Mongolian speakers reside today. / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Anchuhu [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]
The Austrian Mongolian Society "OTSCHIR" (Österreichisch-Mongolische Gesellschaft) invites to this conference in cooperation with the Österreichische Orient Gesellschaft Hammer Purgstall - Austrian Oriental Society, the Embassy of Mongolia in Austria and the World Museum Vienna Friends.
With this conference the organizers present Mongolia in science, politics and…
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