Linz Textil Announces Q1-Q3 2010 Results

CompaniesOther ♦ Published: November 18, 2010; 00:49 ♦ (Vindobona)

The textile group was able to attain a sales increase of 20% and also a significant increase in earnings.

Linz Textil Announces Q1-Q3 2010 Results / Picture: ©

The cumulative total sales of the Linz Textil group amounted to € 106.5 million by September 30, 2010 compared with € 89 million over the same period last year. This increase of 20% shows a slight flattening when compared with the first half of 2010, where a rise in sales of 26.3% was recorded. In contrast to the second quarter of 2009, the China plant was already…