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Koren will be new CEO of VBAG
People ♦
Published: July 17, 2012; 18:45 ♦ (Vindobona)

Starting from 1 september 2012, Koren becomes the new head of VBAG´s management board. New member of the board Rainer Borns should represent a „strong connecting link to regional Volksbanks“.

As of 1 september 2012, Stephan Koren will be the new CEO of Österreichische Volksbanken-AG (VBAG). He was appointed today by the supervisory board with a vast majority. Hans Jörg Schelling, chairman of the supervisory board, comments: “Stephan Koren is a highly experienced banker who has clear ideas and plans for strengthening the Volksbank sector. The supervisory board is…
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