Kaufhof: Investigations Cause Delay in Sale Process

People ♦ Published: December 13, 2011; 17:49 ♦ (Vindobona)

Suspicions of money laundering against the Austrian real estate investor René Benko prevent the take-over for the time being.

Kaufhof: Investigations Cause Delay in Sale Process / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Atrm [Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)]

The final decision by the German Metro Group, the holding company of the retail chain Kaufhof, is still missing and could delay. Initially, the conclusion of the sale has been planned before Christmas. The reason for the probable delay is that Metro´s supervisory board has substantial reservations against Benko. The board wants to wait for the results of the investigations by the…

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