Holzmann is the New Austrian National Bank Governor
The liberal Robert Holzmann (70) took over as Governor of the Austrian National Bank (OeNB) on 1 September 2019, succeeding Ewald Nowotny. The manner in which he will hold his office as governor will be followed with interest. The economist has already stated that he will pay more attention to the monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) than his predecessor.
Prof. Dr. Robert Holzmann (27 February 1949) is an Austrian economist.
From 1997 to 2011 he held various positions at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., from 1997 to 2009 as Sector Director, from 2009 to 2011 as Research Director and 2002/03 as Senior Vice-President.
In January 2019 he was nominated by the Austrian Freedom Party as Governor of the Austrian National Bank.
Holzmann is therefore said to be close to the FPÖ, but he is non-partisan and defines himself as independent. "I have never belonged to a party, I never plan to belong to a party," he explained on the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation.
Originally he was open to the liberal free-market direction of the Freedom Party. "This corresponds to my attitude, my upbringing, my insight," Holzmann continued in Austrian Radio.
Curriculum Vitae: | |
Date of Birth: | February 27, 1949 (Leoben, Styria, Austria) |
Education: | |
1972 |
Master (Economics), University of Graz |
1972/73 | Études en économie du doctorat ès université, Université de Grenoble |
1977 |
Ph.D. (Economics), University of Vienna |
1983 | "Habilitation"/"Aggregation" (venia legendi for Public Finance, Economic Policy and Applied Economic Theory), University of Vienna |
1997/98 | Executive Development Program (Harvard Business School) |
Career History: | |
1973-75 | Lecturer of Economics, Economic Department, University of Graz |
1975-92 | Assistant/Associate Professor, Economic Department, University of Vienna |
1983-2005 | Research Director of the Ludwig-Boltzmann Institute for Economic Policy Analyses, Vienna |
1985-87 | Senior Economist, OECD, Paris |
1988-90 | Senior Economist, International Monetary Fund, Washington |
1990- | Consultant: International Monetary Fund, World Bank, OECD, EU, Austrian National Bank, GTZ, Council of Europe, ILO, ISSA, etc. |
1992-2003 | Full professor for International Economics and European Economy, Economic Department; Managing Director of European Institute, both University of Saarland, Germany (with leave of absence from 1997) |
1997-2009 | Sector Director and Sector Board Head, World Bank |
2002-03 | Acting Senior Vice President, Human Development Network, World Bank |
2009-2011 | Research Director, Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration, and Senior Advisor, Financial Literacy & Education Research Program, both World Bank |
2012 - 2015 | Old Age Financial Protection Chair, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
2013 - | Honorary Professor, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia |
2016 - | Elected Fellow, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna |
Since September 1, 2019 | Governor, OeNB Austrian National Bank, Vienna |
Languages: | German (native language), English (proficient), French (proficient), Spanish (advanced) |
Fellowship, Member, etc.: | Research Fellow, CESifo (Munich) Research Fellow, IZA (Bonn) Associate Editor, Economics – E-journal Member and Chairman - Advisory Board, EcoAustria Research Institute Member – Advisor, Journal of Institutions and Economics (University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur) Member - Advisory Board of Center of Development Studies (University of Rome – Tor Vergata) Member – Editorial and Advisory Board of International Journal of Social Security and Workers Compensation (Australia) Member – Editorial Board of Journal of Public Policy Member – Scientific Advisory Board, Population Europe Member – Advisory Board of Journal of Institutions and Economies Distinguished Associate – Atlantic International Economic Society Distinguished Research Fellow, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia PUBLICATIONS (summary) 37 books, 90 contributions in books, 45 papers in refereed journals, 28 paper in policy-oriented non-referred journals, 22 other publications, and numerous discussion, research and policy papers |
Quelle: Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA)