Reduced, But Still High Shortfall at Austrian Banks

Politics ♦ Published: December 8, 2011; 19:59 ♦ (Vindobona)

EBA shortfall for RZB Group set at approximately € 2.1bn, for Erste Group at € 0.74bn. However, the initial shortfalls were reduced for RZB.

Reduced, But Still High Shortfall at Austrian Banks / Picture: ©

Today the European Banking Authority (EBA) presented its model calculations for around 70 European banking groups. These calculations were based on data as per 30 September 2011. A core tier 1 ratio of 9% (as per the stress test definition) was set as a benchmark and will have to be met by 30 June 2012.

According to the current EBA capital definition, the EBA shortfall for the…