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“GmbH light” Coming in Early 2011
Politics ♦
Published: September 28, 2010; 12:50 ♦ (Vindobona)
The minimum capital will amount to 10,000 euro. Currently, the Amtsblatt (Official Journal) is still reluctant to reduce its fees for mandatory publications.
“GmbH light” Coming in Early 2011 / Picture: © Vindobona.org
The GmbH light (“Ltd. light”), which has been negotiated for years, will now come in early 2011, says Justice Minister Claudia Bandion-Ortner in the "Wirtschaftsblatt".
Instead of 35,000 euro, the minimum capital should in future amount to 10,000 euro: "The new GmbH should have a certain threshold of seriousness regarding creditor protection. Therefore a one-euro GmbH is…
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