FMA: Insurance Companies Raised Profits to € 1.16bn

Businessn.a. ♦ Published: March 20, 2012; 15:57 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) observes rising profits in the domestic insurance industry. Operating profits grew to € 1.16bn.

FMA: Insurance Companies Raised Profits to € 1.16bn / Picture: ©

Last year, the Austrian insurance industry could record a slight increase in operating profits to € 1.16bn. The increment amounted to € 62m. The actuarial result was down by 22.4% to € 295m, financial results were down by 7.5% to € 2.96bn. This is mainly due to the unfavorable development of share and bond markets last year.

The fourth quarter shows a stable premium…