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Fekter Nominates Koren as VBAG´s Chief Executive
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Published: April 14, 2012; 10:30 ♦ (Vindobona)
Maria Fekter, the Austrian Minister of Finance said that Stephan Koren already agreed to become CEO of the partly nationalized bank VBAG.
Fekter Nominates Koren as VBAG´s Chief Executive / Picture: © Österreichische Volksbanken-AG (ÖVAG)
Maria Fekter underlined that she expects that Stephan Koren will become chief executive officer of VBAG. “We are convinced that Stephan Koren switches to VBAG.” Fekter explained and added that Koren has already agreed.
Nevertheless, several details still must be cleared. This is the obligation of the bank´s supervisory board and the owners. Officially, Koren will become head…
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