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Business Indicator: Growing Geopolitical Uncertainty Levels the Economic Outlook Down
Bank Austria has published its latest "Business Indicator" on the Austrian economy. The analysts of Bank Austria believe, that after a weak first six months, the economic recovery continues to find it difficult to get out of the starting blocks. The growing uncertainty fuelled by the Russia-Ukraine crisis was reflected in another decline for Bank Austria’s Business Indicator in August. The indicator has been trending downwards slightly for half a year, and now sits at its lowest point since last summer of just 0.2 points.

The Bank Austria Business Indicator provides an overview of the current economic situation in Austria.
Growing geopolitical uncertainty levels the economic outlook down:
- Bank Austria Business Indicator falls to 0.2 points in August: lowest reading since summer 2013
- Russis crisis unsettles consumers, industry sentiment affected only in certain…
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