Bawag Sells Stiefelkönig to Leder & Schuh

CompaniesRetail & Consumer ♦ Published: July 29, 2011; 18:44 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Austrian shoe retail chain is taken over by its strongest competitor. The deal is subject to approval by the competition Authority.

Bawag Sells Stiefelkönig to Leder & Schuh / Picture: © Stiefelkönig

Bawag and Styrian Leder & Schuh AG have agreed on the sale of the loss-making shoe retail chain Stiefelkönig. With its brands Humanic, Jello, Shoe4you, Corti and Dominici, Leder & Schuh is the market leader in Austria. The sale contract was signed today, after Bawag’s supervisory board had approved the deal in yesterday’s meeting. Closing of the transaction is expected to…