Austrian Government Presents Double Budget 2018/19: EU Requirements Are Met - 2019 Balanced Budget

PoliticsDomestic ♦ Published: February 28, 2018; 19:22 ♦ (Vindobona)

The new Austrian government is planning a zero deficit for next year, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) and Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache (FPÖ) have announced. The planned reduction in corporation tax could be of interest to foreign investors and companies.

Austrian Government Presents Double Budget 2018/19 / Picture: © / Peter Lechner/HBF

The government confirms the self-imposed savings goals.

"The goal is a lean state so we can reduce the tax burden on working people," says Kurz.

Finance Minister Hartwig Löger (ÖVP) will hold his first budget speech in three weeks: on March 21, he will present the double budget 2018/19 in the National Council (Nationalrat).

The key points have already…