Austrian Economy: OeNB Demonstrates Optimism

Businessn.a. ♦ Published: May 24, 2012; 15:57 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Austrian Central Bank is satisfied with the performance of the domestic economy underlines the necessity of austerity measures.

Austrian Economy: OeNB Demonstrates Optimism / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons [CC0 1.0] / Pixabay [CC0 Creative Commons]

Looking at the economic situation, Austria’s economy performed well, recording a GDP growth rate of 3% in 2011, markedly above the euro area average. The 4% unemployment rate was the lowest in the entire EU. The current account again posted a surplus. In 2012, growth is projected to be somewhat below 1% as a result of the weaker external macroeconomic environment and stepped-up…