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Austria: New CEO for Hypo Group Alpe Adria
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Published: December 20, 2013; 17:37 ♦ (Vindobona)
The search for a new CEO for Hypo Group has ended. On Friday the bank has found a new head of the management board since the position was vacant after Gottwald Kranebitter’s resignation this summer.
Austria: New CEO for Hypo Group Alpe Adria / Picture: © LinkedIn
As per January 1, 51-year old Alexander Picker will become the new CEO of Hypo Group. Picker has been head of the Bosnian affiliate of Hypo until recently. His contract will last for the next three years at least. He said his experience in CESEE as well as with Hypo Group has taught him that one has to work “with outstanding efforts, clear structure, teamwork and…
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