80th Anniversary of Mexico’s Protest Against Anschluss of Austria to Hitler-Germany

OrganizationsOther ♦ Published: March 21, 2018; 19:30 ♦ (Vindobona)

On 19 March 1938 Mexico submitted a note of protest to the League of Nations against the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany (known as “Anschluss”). At that time Mexico was the only member of the League of Nations to issue a written protest.

Kneissl: We thank Mexico for taking this courageous step. / Picture: © Mexican and Austrian crossed flags by Vindobona

This day “is an important date in our country’s recent history, and in the relationship between Austria and Mexico” said Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl on the 80th anniversary of Mexico’s protest against Anschluss. “We thank Mexico for taking this courageous step.”

The note of protest signed by Isidro Fabela, Mexico’s ambassador to the League of Nations, stated…