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1919 - 2019: Hundred Years of Women's Voting Rights
The Austrian Parliament celebrates 100 years of the first session of the Constituent National Assembly and 100 years of women's suffrage with an event commemorating the first eight female members of parliament. In her welcoming address, the Second President of the National Council, Ms. Bures, referred to what the eight women of the first hour had fought for, for the eight-hour day, for unemployment benefits, for social welfare and for the opening of educational institutions.
Doris Bures - Speech at the event commemorating the first eight female MPs: "We must not rest on our laurels." / Picture: © Parlamentsdirektion / Johannes Zinner
Exactly 100 years ago, on 4 March 1919, at the first session of the Constituent National Assembly, a parliament was convened for the first time in Austria in which women were represented and which had been elected by women and men.
On the occasion of this double anniversary, National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka, Second National Council President Doris Bures and Third…
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