1.4 Million Austrians At Risk of Poverty

Politics ♦ Published: April 12, 2013; 14:45 ♦ (Vindobona)

According to the most recent EU social report, 1.4m Austrians are at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Social Minister Hundstorfer regards Austria be on the right path in the fight against poverty.

1.4 Million Austrians At Risk of Poverty / Picture: © Vindobona.org

In 2011, 1.05m Austrians were at risk of poverty. This is displayed by the EU social report SILC which was published on Friday. However, adding the persons suffering from the so-called “material deprivation”, a total of 1.4m Austrians are considered to be at risk of poverty or exclusion from society. Generally, the presented data show a stable situation. In a long-term comparision…