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Update: Enquiry into TTIP and CETA Agreements

Details about the negotiation progress at Austria’s National Assembly have meanwhile been released. The Transatlantic Agreement CETA with Canada and the TTIP agreement with the USA have been cause for disagreements. The assembly has adopted a motion for resolution of the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) and Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) concerning the transatlantic economic agreements with Canada (CETA) and the USA (TTIP). The motion calls for transparency of negotiations and ratification of the agreements by national parliaments.
September 25, 2014

TTIP-Myths and Realities According to AmCham Austria

The American Chamber of Commerce in Austria (AmCham Austria) promotes the expansion and strengthening of trade and commerce relations between Austria and the US. Talks on a future EU-US trade deal started in July 2013 and are set to continue throughout 2014. The talks are part of a trade and investment deal, known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP.
June 3, 2014