Mauthausen Memorial

Remembering the Past, Preserving the Future: Liberation Ceremonies in Mauthausen and Melk

In an impressive gathering, thousands of people commemorated the liberation of the Mauthausen concentration camp and its satellite camps to keep the lessons of history alive and fight against forgetting. International delegations, including high-ranking representatives from politics and society, gathered to underline the importance of law and justice and to honor the victims of National Socialism.

May 8, 2024

Minister Karner and Minister Tanner Remembered the Victims at Melk Concentration Camp

It was 60 years ago on March 13 that the former Melk concentration camp (KZ) was dedicated as a public memorial. Together with Defense Minister Tanner, Interior Minister Karner commemorates the victims of the Melk concentration camp.

March 16, 2023

Call for Austrian National Action Plan against Racism

Racism is not just an individual problem, but a structural one, explained the "No Hate Speech" Movement launched in 2013 on the initiative of the Council of Europe. In a recent dispatch of the Austrian "No Hate Speech" Committee, the situation in Austria is admonished.

March 14, 2023

Mauthausen Memorial Research Award 2022 Awarded

The Mauthausen Memorial Research Award was presented for 2022 this year. The ceremonial presentation by the jury took place at the Vienna site of the concentration camp memorial. Two submissions convinced the jury of experts, consisting of representatives from contemporary history and memorial culture.

January 24, 2023
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