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Gerald Wenzel

Koren to Become VBAG´s New CEO?

Finance Minister Maria Fekter aims to nominate the former Vice-CEO of Bawag as board director of VBAG.
March 24, 2012

VBAG´s Executive Board Asked to Resign

Parts of the Volksbanken sector, which hold stakes in VBAG, offer resistance to the management board.
March 3, 2012

VBAG´s CEO: „Bank Aid Only Last Exit“

Gerald Wenzel, chairman of VBAG´s executive board, continues the downsizing strategy. A new bank aid would be the “ultima ratio”.
February 17, 2012

VBAG Supervisory Board Resolves New Divisional Structure

The Austrian bank will sell its subsidiaries that are not part of the core business. The headcount will be reduced by 20% by the end of 2013.
December 15, 2011

Volksbanken Group Result Negatively Impacted by Extraordinary Write-Downs

The Austrian bank posted a consolidated loss of € 689m for the first nine months of the year. The annual result is expected to decrease even further.
November 25, 2011

Volksbanken Group to Sell Stake in RZB

Österreichische Volksbanken-AG Group (VBAG) will sell its shares in Raiffeisen Zentralbank for almost € 500m. The redemption of state capital and the sale of VBI have been delayed.
June 28, 2011

Bank Tax is "untimely" for ÖVAG

The Austrian Volksbank Group's CEO, Gerald Wenzel, expects expenditure of € 40m due to the bank tax.
February 8, 2011

Volksbanken Profitable Again

The Austrian Volksbanken Group generated profits in 2010. The state’s money should be repaid this year.
January 7, 2011

Investkredit and ÖVAG: As Of Now, They Have a Common Board

In addition to CEO Gerald Wenzel, Wolfgang Perdich, Martin Fuchsbauer and Michael Mendel are also members of the common board. The merger of both financial institutions is to take place in early 2011.
September 15, 2010

VBAG Group result for the first half of 2010: positive development continued

In the second quarter of 2010, Österreichische Volksbanken-AG (VBAG) Group confirmed the turnaround of the first quarter.
September 3, 2010

ÖVAG does not want to stay solo

The enthusiasm of authorities, central bank and the federal government is limited for the decision of the ÖVAG owner to continue without a partner and to merge Investkredit and ÖVAG.
June 25, 2010