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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Space Diplomacy: Saudi Arabia Signed the Artemis Accords

In joining the Artemis Accords, Saudi Arabia shows its commitment to sustainable space exploration guided by a common set of principles. In signing the agreement, Saudi Arabia becomes the 21st Artemis Accords country.

Austria Strengthens Efforts Against Trafficking of Human Beings on the Hungarian-Serbian Border
Austria is engaged against anti-smuggling and human trafficking on the Hungarian-Serbian border and sent representatives of the Austrian Ministry of Interior to Hungary. The Director General for Public Security, Franz Ruf, and the Head of the Office against Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings at the Federal Criminal Police Office, Gerald Tatzgern, exchanged information with the Hungarian police there.

Austria's Minister for Europe at the UN Forum for Sustainable Development in New York
In New York, the UN Forum on Sustainable Development discussed progress on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Austria's Minister for Europe, Karoline Edtstadler, attended the event. The current discussion focused on how the COVID 19 pandemic impacts the implementation of development goals.