Wienerberger: Earnings Up, Profits Down

Businessn.a. ♦ Published: November 13, 2012; 11:14 ♦ (Vindobona)

Today, the Austrian brick group has published the results for the first nine months of 2012. Group revenues were up by 18%. Net profit declined by 26%.

Wienerberger: Earnings Up, Profits Down / Picture: © Wienerberger

“Against the backdrop of a difficult economic environment, revenues for the first nine months rose by 18% to 1,744 million € and operating EBITDA nearly matched the prior year level at 202 million €.” the company announced.

From July to September 2012 revenues rose by 43% to 755 million € and operating EBITDA by 25% to 101 million €. This positive development…