Vienna Congress comsult 2015: "Power of Regions"

Western EuropeUnited Kingdom ♦ Published: January 20, 2015; 17:30 ♦ (Vindobona)

“Power of Regions“ is the topic of the Vienna Congress com•sult 2015 which is taking place today at Vienna's House of Industry. Distinguished participants from industry, politics and the business community such as F.W. de Klerk, Mohamed El Baradei, Author Benjamin R. Barber, Václav Klaus and Iain Begg are discussing the principle of regionality and its future in Europe.

Vienna Congress com.sult 2015: "Power of Regions" / Picture: ©

In numerous panel discussions, workshops and keynote speeches, the trend-setting issues for the future are being discussed.

200 years after the historic Vienna Congress the twelfth Vienna Congress com.sult focusses on one key issue for Europe’s further development.

Under the subject “Power of Regions” international and Austrian decision-makers are discussing…