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Ukraine’s Kharkiv Tractor Plant announces changes in shareholding structure
Press Wire ♦
Published: April 27, 2016; 16:16 ♦ (Vindobona)
Siegfried Wolf, a renowned Austrian investor, a shareholder and a member of the boards of directors of the international most succsessful automotive and construction companies, a former head of Magna International Inc., announces changes in a shareholding structure of Ukrainianbased Kharkiv Tractor Plant (XTZ).
Ukraine’s Kharkiv Tractor Plant announces changes in shareholding structure / Picture: © Vindobona.org
In April 2016, I made an agreement with Oleksandr Yaroslavsky, the
founder and president of Ukrainian-based DCH Group that he would
rejoin to shareholders of Kharkiv Tractor Plant, one of the assets
I’ve invested into. Our partnership with Yaroslavsky will give fresh
impetus to the plant. We’ve known each other for a long time,
Oleksandr is a man of…
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