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Safety of Media Members Reporting on Refugee Crisis at Risk
OSCE Representative issues recommendations on rights and safety of members of the media reporting on refugees The challenging refugee situation in Europe also has implications for freedom of the media, not least with regard to the rights and safety of members of the media reporting on this important issue, Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović said today.
Migrants in Hungary on their march towards Austria / Picture: © Flickr / photog_at / Joachim Seidler [Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)]
“There have been a number of cases where journalists reporting on the refugee situation in Europe have been threatened and obstructed by law enforcement agencies,” Mijatović said. “It is imperative that members of the media are able to report freely and safely on issues of public interest.”
The arrival of high numbers of refugees in several participating States has…
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