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Rostowski: Poland´s Economy to Recover in Second Half of 2013
Politics ♦
Published: January 28, 2013; 19:25 ♦ (Vindobona)
Poland´s Minister of Finance expects that the economic slowdown will continue for the time being.
Rostowski: Poland´s Economy to Recover in Second Half of 2013 / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons [CC0 1.0] / Pixabay [CC0 Creative Commons]
According to Rostowski, Poland´s economic growth will slow down in the first and second quarter of 2013. IMF expects an economic growth rate of 1.5% for 2013. NBP (Polish National Bank) is slightly more optimistic and expects a growth rate of 1.8%. The government forecasts a GDP growth rate of 2.2%.
Rostowski underlined that the current economic…
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