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RLB OÖ Records Substantial Growth
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Published: December 31, 2010; 20:53 ♦ (Vindobona)

Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich experiences a 11.8% increase in operating profits. Cost-Income ratio further decreases.

In the provisional income statement, operating results of RLB OÖ increase from € 232m to € 260m, which stands for an increase by 11.8%. In 2009, the growth amounted to 14.1%. Gross earnings grew by 7.9% and amount to € 442.8m.
Austria´s biggest regional bank disposes of assets over € 30.1bn (+2.5%). Financing is € 15.8bn and grew by 15.8%.
RLB´s cost-income…
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