Rehau invests EUR 2 million into office centre in Guntramsdorf

CompaniesRetail & Consumer ♦ Published: September 30, 2010; 16:32 ♦ (Vindobona)

Polymer producer Rehau is to invest more than EUR 2 million into the modernisation of its Austrian office centre in Guntramsdorf, near Vienna.

Rehau invests EUR 2 million into office centre in Guntramsdorf / Picture: © Rehau AG

The company intends to build a reference object (displaying Rehau technology for energy-efficient remodeling).

In Austria, Rehau employs about 500 employees for the regional management of "South East Europe", in the sales offices in Vienna, Linz and Graz as well as in the production plant Neulengbach in Lower Austria.