Purchase of Petrol Ofisi Lowers OMV´s Results

Businessn.a. ♦ Published: February 5, 2011; 00:59 ♦ (Vindobona)

In its Trading Statement Q4/10, OMV announces extraordinary expenses due to the major purchase of the Turkish Petrol Ofisi amounting to € 170m.

Purchase of Petrol Ofisi Lowers OMV´s Results / Picture: © Petrol

The trading statement of OMV provides basic information for the quarter ended December 31, 2010, including data on the economic environment as well as OMV’s performance during the period.

Overall production increased compared to Q3/10 mainly due to higher gas production in Romania, the start-up of Bardolino (UK) at end of September, Latif North-1 (Pakistan) coming on stream, as…