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Presentation of the Intercultural Achievement Award 2019 - Dialogue is the "Art of Encounter"
Successful and innovative projects in the field of intercultural and interreligious dialogue have been awarded by the Federal Ministry for Europe Integration and Foreign Affairs.
Intercultural Achievement Award: All projects have one thing in common - they help to build trust between people of different cultural, religious or social backgrounds. / Picture: © BMEIA Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres / Eugénie Berger / Flickr Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
This year, projects were awarded for the sixth time with the Intercultural Achievement Award.
"In times of change and upheaval, dialogue with "the other" is becoming increasingly important and intercultural and interreligious dialogue is gaining in importance. Dialogue is the "art of encounter". Mutual silence has never solved a crisis situation. Understanding, understanding and…
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