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Number of Foreign-Controlled Enterprises in Austria Declines
Companies ♦
Published: October 12, 2021; 16:00 ♦ (Vindobona)
About 11,700 companies in Austria were owned by foreign groups or had owners based abroad in 2019, down about 200 companies or 1.6% from the previous year. Conversely, Austrian companies owned about 6,000 subsidiaries abroad; this was about 0.2% more than the year before.
Number of Foreign-Controlled Enterprises in Austria Declines. / Picture: © Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich / Screenshot
According to Statistics Austria, the roughly 11,700 foreign-controlled companies in Austria thus accounted for 3.3% of all market-oriented companies in Austria in 2019.
In addition to Germany, the most important target country for Austrian foreign investments, these continued to be concentrated primarily in the eastern and southeastern countries of Europe. …
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